framar styling tools

(2 Items)
  • 160871 FRANFACBBF FRANFACBBF 1 Flex Brush - Black Framar Framar Flex Brush - Black False framar/framarblackflexbrush.jpg Bonus Deal Available 19.98 19.98 19.98 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Framar Flex Brush is designed for optimal movement and airflow, and its heat-resistant properties make it perfect for blowouts. True Log in to view pricing! False
    Framar Flex Brush - Black

    Flex Brush - Black


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  • 160875 FRANFACBCF FRANFACBCF 1 Flex Brush - Champagne Framar Framar Flex Brush - Champagne False framar/framarchampagneflexbrush.jpg Bonus Deal Available 19.98 19.98 19.98 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract required. 0 Framar Flex Brush is designed for optimal movement and airflow, and its heat-resistant properties make it perfect for blowouts. True Log in to view pricing! False
    Framar Flex Brush - Champagne

    Flex Brush - Champagne


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(2 Items)